Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Protect Your Business Security

As a business owner, one of the things you should be concerned about is your business security. ID thieves victimize both individuals and business owners alike. In this article, let's discuss the ways on how you can protect both your personal and business security:

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Whether you're a small business owner or a home based entrepreneur, you should get your own Employer Identification Number or EIN. Never use your Social Security Number (SSN) on your business transactions such as when dealing with suppliers and clients.


Apply for a separate business account. Separating your personal credit history from your business credit history is one way to protect your security. Make sure that you only use your business accounts for official business transactions.


Use your business credit card with caution. You need to be very careful when using business credit cards for purchase. It is recommended to purchase only from trusted merchants rather than buy from smaller merchants with no track record. The slight difference in the pricing doesn't matter as long as you're sure that your transaction is safe and secure.


Install anti-virus programs in your computers. If you use computers and internet with your business, make sure that you are protected from possible viruses, worms, spyware and other malicious programs.


Keep copies of your financial records in a safe place. Keep your old receipts, old financial statements, contracts, and other documents that contain your business details in a safe place.


Apply for a business credit tracker. Register with a business credit tracker such as Brad and Dunstreet or Experian (business) as soon as possible. Make sure that all your payments are promptly reported to the business credit bureaus.